Steven Slate Drums 5(.5) ➜ e-drum fix makes Snare Positional Sensing available ❗️🙂👉

Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:41 pm (Last edited: Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:29 pm)

Steven Slate Drums 5(.5)e-drum fix makes Snare Positional Sensing available ❗️🙂👉

There are "Snare Center" and "Snare Side" articulations available in SSD5.5 which can be used for positional difference on the snare head zone using Positional Sensing-capable snare pads and modules (like Roland modules or the eDRUMin)

Unfortunately SSD5.5 does not feature Snare Positional Sensing. ☹️

BUT FROM NOW ON you can play this feature using the BecauseDrumGeek fix
(available for the DAWs "Reaper" , "Cubase Artist/Pro" , "Logic Pro" , "Bidule" , "Ableton Live Suite"). 😃

E-drum hardware requirement: Snare Positional Sensing has to be a module and snare pad feature.

It's such a great benefit when being able to play those SSD5 Snares with Snare Center and Snare Side sounds playable on the pad's head zone!
Also, the radius border point is of course adjustable with the fix settings (like in SD3).



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Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:09 pm
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