Groove Agent "Simon Phillips Jazz Drums" - DreamKit FIX 😊👉

Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:52 pm (Last edited: Sat May 25, 2024 3:02 pm)

Groove Agent "Simon Phillips Jazz Drums" - DreamKit FIX 😊👉

For properly working and authentic e-drum translation + advanced additions:


- Hihat Engine FIX (transition artifacts)
get rid of annoying transition artifacts! Of course you can customize the fixed variable hihat and determine the open-(or closed-)stage for any pedal positon (module's CC input value) and/or skip stages you don't want...
( 👉 LINK )

+ additiona feature:
∙ Making Hihat Pedal Splashes work with Roland (and similar) hihat controllers that are connected to Roland modules (not possible in default state because Roland modules do not transmit pedal splash midi notes) -- (requires Plogue "Bidule" plugin)

- separated dynamics : set single kit pieces/articulations to custom velocity curves !!! (this is a great benefit as it is not possible in Groove Agent by default). When using the FIX software settings for this, you won't need to adjust module settings in order to change dynamic translation. Also, the vel curves provided with the FIX will be your custom curve: much more detailed (and can be completely different) than the available module vel curves.

adding a second Snare or call it Side Snare (as you deserve a second Snare and a rich in variety drumsound! (though actually only one Snare is available in SimonPhillips Jazz Drums by default)), based on pitching and audio editing ;

adding a (right (for right-handers)) X-HAT!! (as it increases pleasure of playing so much and provides a varied hihat sound!)(though actually only one Hihat is available in SimonPhillips Jazz Drums by default)), based on pitching and audio editing ;

Double Bassdrum Sound : play a DoubleBassdrum feel with alternating Kick sounds (the second Kick will sound slightly different not only in order to avoid machinegunning but also to make Kick sounds super rich and nice! :) ) and toggle the kickdrum engine (Single-Sound vs. Double-Sound) after your needs while playing (by pad stroke): DoubleBass vs. SingleBass - Bassdrum Engine toggle ❗️ 😊👉 ;

adding TOMS (i.e. Tom5: a much deeper-tuned FloorTom) (+i.e. adding a left Floor Tom) (4 Toms are available in SimonPhillips Jazz Drums by default and you really benefit from an additional, much deeper-tuned FloorTom)), based on pitching and audio editing ;

- Cymbal Choking "advanced": choke GrooveAgent SP JazzDrums cymbals with cymbal pads of your choice which are mapped to other GA SP cymbals. You can even choke all GA SP JazzDrums cymbals with a single cymbal pad!

supported DAWs: "Reaper" , "Cubase Artist/Pro" , "Logic Pro" , "Bidule" , "Ableton Live Suite"

Enjoy ❗️ 😊


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