Just switched to VST
Hello! I just switched to VST with EZDrummer3 and Mixwave Mike Mangini last month and really enjoying the sound and feel! I have a kit with 24 triggers/pads running through two modules -- Roland TD-27 and Alesis Strike Performance Module. I use the Roland digital snare and it has never responded and sounded so good! After much tinkering around, I realized that for best results, I had to use two separate computers for each module. Using ASIO for both.
A couple of areas:
--Mike Mangini kit. Just can't get the hihat working and cymbal chokes. I saw in the forum that you have fixes. How does that work?
--EZDrummer3: I use six toms (8-10-12-13-14-16-18) but cannot get all six into one EZDrummer kit. I have five through the TD-27 and the sixth through the Strike. I just use the same kit and tune it down. (Bright Room kits). Is there a chance that a sixth tom can be added into one kit?
-EZDrummer3: Ride -- I'm not a fan of the ride in the core library. Pings and overtones way too much for my desire. Not sure how to bring that down.
--Reaper: I have Reaper but very much just in the early stages of learning it. I've dabbled a bit, reading tutorials, etc. I can see the benefits of channeling each pad for the freedom to refine the sound, but is there something that can be added to EZD3 for the same effect? Or does it have to occur in a DAW environment?
Thank you. (I have reviewed many of the posts on the forum and enjoyed reading the conversations to expand my knowledge base.)

Zitat von Kfid im Beitrag #1
I realized that for best results, I had to use two separate computers for each module. Using ASIO for both.
➜ Why that? ( - computer specs? , which audio interface and audio settings?)
Zitat von Kfid im Beitrag #1
--Mike Mangini kit. Just can't get the hihat working and cymbal chokes. I saw in the forum that you have fixes. How does that work?
➜ E-drum engines / fixes are based on real-time midi editing and they are always personal support [ = please understand that with purchasing fixes you do not get a simple preset or software product but complex engines (which are optimized for your personal preferences) within DAW projects along with personal support from an electric drum integration specialist.]
Zitat von Kfid im Beitrag #1
--EZDrummer3: I use six toms (8-10-12-13-14-16-18) but cannot get all six into one EZDrummer kit. I have five through the TD-27 and the sixth through the Strike. I just use the same kit and tune it down. (Bright Room kits). Is there a chance that a sixth tom can be added into one kit?
➜ sure, just use multiple EZ3 instances.
Zitat von Kfid im Beitrag #1
-EZDrummer3: Ride -- I'm not a fan of the ride in the core library. Pings and overtones way too much for my desire. Not sure how to bring that down.
➜ transient designer , EQ
Zitat von Kfid im Beitrag #1
--Reaper: I have Reaper but very much just in the early stages of learning it. I've dabbled a bit, reading tutorials, etc. I can see the benefits of channeling each pad for the freedom to refine the sound, but is there something that can be added to EZD3 for the same effect? Or does it have to occur in a DAW environment?
➜ I would always use a DAW for e-drums -> Always use a suitable DAW for EZ3 Software Drumming ❗️
I recommend a general dial in session to get the e-drum hardware - software sampler translation optimized ➜ Becoming a Software Drummer - About dial-in sessions - The inexpensive carefree package 😊
Why that? ( - computer specs? , which audio interface and audio settings?)
I have two HP Micro PC EliteDesk 800 G4 Windows 11, i5 Hexa-Core Mini, 32GB Ram each.
I don't use an audio interface. I have two modules, each plugged into a computer:
On 1st computer: The TD-27 is connected via USB, using ASIO for audio; my "main" kit -- the snare, hihat, ride, kick, 5xtoms, 2 crash cymbals, 1 splash. EZDrummer 3.
On 2nd computer: Alesis Strike Performance Module via USB: 6th tom, two crash cymbals, another splash, one china, two octobans, auxiliary hihat, auxiliary percussion, pedal triggering tambourine. EZDrummer 3.
The ASIO is set at 224 buffer size (5.1 seconds.) So far, those settings are working well.
But, when I open Reaper and use EZDrummer through Reaper, it glitches.

@ Kfid:
Get a decent audio interface!
This should be a good read for you: 📢 How best to get started with VST-e-drumming -> ( + avoiding bad purchases) 😊👉
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