Stigmatized Productions - Fotis Benardo Drums 😊👉

Sat May 18, 2024 2:16 pm (Last edited: Sat May 18, 2024 7:08 pm)

Stigmatized Productions - Fotis Benardo Drums 😊👉

I support Stigmatized Productions and Fotis Benardo Drums ❗️ 👉 LINK

I always appreciate mix-ready drum libraries with a fantasic drum sound and a strong sonic footprint. Fotis Benardo Drums is definitely one of the best you can play.

It's super easy for an e-drummer to load mix-ready drum tones and start playing with a fantastic mix-ready drum sound ❗️😊

This new library is great - so much fun to play! The dynamic range is better than almost all other 3rd-party Kontakt libs I've played so far - especially on snare: I love that the rimshots (btw, there are 3 different rimshot articulations : from center rimshots to edge rimshots) are available over the full velocity range! and I love the loud cross stick sound which can be loaded (and processed) as an independent kit piece. And e-drummers can map the snare center sound to a dedicated zone (i.e. the Positional Sensing edge zone (available with the BecauseDrumGeek advanced e-drum engine) as it will be nice for ghost notes).

Available kit piece models: 2 Kick drums , 4 Snare drums, 2 sets of Toms (4 Toms each) -> forms a 5-Toms Kit , 3 Hihats , 3 Ride cymbals , 3 Crash1 cymbals , 3 Crash2 cymbals , 2 Crash3 cymbals , 2 Splashes and 2 Chinas. There are two versions available for each drum: 'mix-ready/processed' and 'raw'.

The library provides very detailed and powerful mixing and routing options and it also has great drum sound audio engineering tools* onboard (like EQ, transient designer, (parallel) compression + saturation , IR reverb and master limiter) which can be applied to every single main mixer channel. This allows you to create your own drum sound (i.e. with the "raw" version of kit pieces) - so you are not limited to the mix-ready drum sound ( = the processed and mix-ready drum samples)
*Check out routing and mixing options here:

By default, (Roland)e-drummers get a TD-17/-27/-50(X) mapping preset and an adjustable hihat CC engine (this won't have a hihat pad bow/edge distinction - but you can have that exact distinction (hihat bow(tip) samples vs. edge samples on a 2-zone hihat pad) with an additional BecauseDrumGeek DAW e-drum engine.
Also, there is default support for choke notes and Roland module (or similar) e-drummers can get their cymbal chokes from an additional BecauseDrumGeek DAW e-drum engine, even with a nice MuteTail engine for Crashes and Chinas ❗️🙂

I also highly recommend custom velocity curves** for the Fotis Benardo lib, as it will significantly improve the e-drum velocity translation: you can get YOUR dream velocity reponse out of that lib! ( ** 👉 LINK )

The additional BecauseDrumGeek e-drum engine provides an X-Hat - even with switchable closed/loose stages while playing ( + a side snare + additional cymbals) + the "DoubleBass vs. SingleBass - Bassdrum Engine toggle" ( 👉 LINK ) with a Kick B sound that can be adjusted in pitch.

So, I can only tell you one thing: if you give this lib a chance, you will be richly rewarded with happy e-drum sound experiences - it's very good that we e-drummers have a real alternative to SD3 since SD3 can be quite exhausting for e-drummers who just want to start playing with an awesome mix-ready drum sound full of character right out of the box. :)



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