Always use a suitable DAW for EZ3 Software Drumming ❗️

Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:08 pm (Last edited: Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:59 pm)

Always use a suitable DAW for EZ3 Software Drumming ❗️👉

📢 -> especially when playing limited drum samplers like EZ3 (triggered by a Roland -or similar- module), I consider the DAW not as an additional layer but the basic setup ❗️
How else would you separate the Hihat Pedal 'Chick' velocity translation ❗️ or the Ride Bell or other articulations within one kit piece... (or add kit pieces / swap their OH panning)
or apply advanced midi e-drum engines in order to significantly improve the translation and the possibilities ❗️

I recommend Cockos REAPER . ->

SoftwareDrumming-DAW-Benefit:∙∙∙> 👉 LINK

Why detailed custom velocity curves are a game changer 😀∙∙∙> 👉 LINK



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